Rucksäcke für Afrika

In diesen Tagen erreichte uns der Brief von Lisbeth aus Liberia, die dort für die Rucksackverteilung bei Marys Meals zuständig ist zusammen mit einigen Fotos, die wir nun zu einer Bildpräsentation zusammengestellt haben. Die Willigis-Schulen haben insgesamt 460 Rucksäcke gesammelt! Allen Beteiligten sei an dieser Stelle nochmals herzlich für ihr Engagement gedankt!

Ursula Schwarz, Schulseelsorge am Willigis

Hier zunächst einige Fotos, die zeigen, wie gut die Rucksäcke angekommen sind.




Backpacks from Germany

Greetings from Liberia to all Mary’s Meals friends in Germany!

We want to thank you, on behalf of many, many children for the wonderful backpacks you have sent us. For the past three weeks we have visited many schools and distributed the bags you sent. And every distribution was a celebration that would have the whole school singing and dancing. The joy and surprise on the children’s faces on seeing the bags and than after opening them was overwhelming and touching. The bags were beautiful and very big bags and the contents brought happiness all around. The distributions were broadcasted on the local radio and reported to the Ministry of Education. Many people came to witness it and the families of the children receiving the bags were overjoyed. With the many things inside, the bags are more than a gift to a child. They are a gift to a whole family.
Between October 20th and November 5th 2009 we distributed your backpacks at the following schools:
1.    St. Dominic Elementary and High school
2.    Bomi Junior High school
3.    C.H. Dewey High school
4.    NRC Elementary and Junior High school
5.    Oscar Romero school
6.    Sasstown Elementary and Junior High school
7.    H.Q Taylor Elementary school
8.    Williams Community school
9.    Maher Community school
Since you send the bags in such an enormous quantity and the bags were mainly of a big size we were able to distribute to our largest schools and reach many students. When finally we were down to the last 20 bags remaining we decided, since it was insufficient for a school, to bring them to the sick children at the Bomi Government hospital. So that last day the bags brought smiles on the faces of very sick children. Iga Figula took beautiful pictures of the distribution and these will be forwarded to you on a CD.On behalf of all these children and their families, county authorities and the Ministry of Education, and of course the entire Mary’s Meals staff we say: THANK YOU AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU !
Yours sincerely, Liesbeth Glas, Mary’s Meals Liberia